Diversity Equity and Inclusion » Year 2

Year 2

Year 2 Plan 

Focus Area: Data Systems 

Overall Outcome Goal Year 2: By June 2024, revise systems and practices for data collection.

Usable Practice: Develop and implement a system for data collection, review, monitoring and assessment that can be used to shift student outcomes. The collected data will assist in making an informed decision by zeroing in on priorities such as behavior and academic outcomes to establish a plan to improve disproportionate student performance and behavioral outcomes particularly for marginalized students.


Implementation Phase 

Implementation Team 

Implementation Strategies (Drivers) 

Start Date 


End Date 

Improvement Cycle (PDSA) (Monitoring timeline) 

By February 2024, revise data collection and data entry processes and systems. 


Elementary principal; MS administrator; HS administrator; ENL director; member of PPS team; Data supervisor; Director of Guidance; IT rep 

Develop new mechanisms for data collection and data entry (ongoing). 


October 2023-February 2024 

In December and February, the team will provide updates to the superintendent regarding progress made, any necessary changes to the timeline and any additional resources. 

By March 2024, create a feedback data survey. 



Elementary principal; MS admin; HS admin; ENL director; member of PPS team; Data supervisor; Guidance Director; Technology Technician (IT rep) 

Develop and administer a survey for all staff that captures the necessary data priorities and outliers. 


Get Anecdotal Feedback from the staff. 

March 2024 


By April 2024, collect feedback from teachers, administrators and associated staff and incorporate any revisions based on feedback from the survey. 


Appropriate teachers, administrators, and associated staff 

Survey teachers, administrators, and associated staff to assess whether the mechanisms in place are effective and accessible. 


Incorporate any revisions from the survey into draft practices, policies and procedures. 

April 2024 


Implementation team will review results of survey and identify revisions for data collection procedure mechanisms. 


*Provide an update by the implementation team to the superintendent who will then report it to the Board of Education and district administrators.   


By May 2024, share data collection plan and overview of data collection process with all staff. 


Elementary principal; MS administrator; HS administrator; ENL director; member of PPS team; Data supervisor; Director of Guidance; Technology Technician (IT rep) 

Draft communication framework for how the data practices, policies and procedures will be rolled out to all staff. 

May 2024-June 2024 (ongoing) 


In May 2024, provide draft copies to the superintendent of developed practices, policies and procedures. 



Focus Area: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support 

Overall Outcome Goal Year 2: By June 2024, 75% of the staff will have exposure and understanding on how to use MTSS using SEL practices, revised and aligned academic supports and code of conduct.

Usable Practice: Develop and implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) that is culturally responsive to racially, culturally and linguistically marginalized students to inform data driven decision making to provide culturally responsive tiered supports to shift discipline and academic outcomes.


Implementation Phase 

Implementation Team 

Implementation Strategies (Drivers) 

Start Date 


End Date 

Improvement Cycle (PDSA) (Monitoring timeline) 

By December 2023, 100% of staff will be implementing a new code of conduct. 


Initial implementation 

MTSS code of conduct team 


Form revisions and revised practices. 


Train staff on the code of conduct revisions.  


Use of surveys for feedback on completion of trainings. 


Stakeholder review and impression of districtwide feedback of progress of the new code of conduct. 


Communicate to the community regarding the revisions of the code of conduct document. 

September - December 2023 

Bi-monthly meetings to review the information and progress. 

By June 2024, academic and building teams will have revised programs and practices for AIS instruction. 

Initial Implementation 


MTSS team for Academics 

Schedule teams to interpret data and discuss feedback as related to the data. 


Develop a fidelity monitor tool for academic and building teams on revised programs/practices for AIS instruction. 


Monitor for implementation fidelity of revised programs/ practices for AIS. 


Involve CRSE teams to support data interpretation for equity considerations.  

September 2023-June 2024 

Review of academic data and feedback from the teams (AIS/Academic focused teams). 

By June 2024, 100% of staff will implement the Yale RULER approach in all 7 schools to give students, parents, teachers and administrators a common language to promote SEL. 


Initial Implementation 

MTSS team for SEL 

Continue training. 


Develop and implement a monitoring tool for YALE RULER implementation fidelity. 


School/classroom charters and collegial sharing, integrate RULER tenets on all school websites for parent/student engagement,  

parent training focus. 


100% of staff educated and trained in the 5/7 schools (integrated into lesson planning). 

September 2023-June 2024 

MTSS team will perform an analysis of possible inconsistencies across schools, departments, classrooms. 


Mid-year and end of year feedback loop and areas requiring additional training. 



Focus Area: Professional Learning and Development 

Overall Outcome Goal Year 2: By June 2024, the committees will create and coordinate the professional development intention and goals to the entire school community on culturally responsive disciplinary practices (which may include referrals, class management, informal actions and suspension data) and academic access/outcomes.

Usable Practice: Develop, disseminate and implement a professional development plan, using our existing professional learning structure, that is culturally responsive for educators and addresses disproportionality and academic outcomes, disciplinary measures and curricular access for marginalized students.


Implementation Phase 

Implementation Team 

Implementation Strategies (Drivers) 

Start Date 


End Date 

Improvement Cycle (PDSA) (Monitoring timeline) 

By October 2023, a disciplinary subcommittee for each level composed of members from the different schools will be created to analyze and review disciplinary practices for both elementary and secondary students to structure professional learning.  



Staff, District administration, CRSE team leaders 

Review current disciplinary practices across schools. Assess continuity. 


Identify professional learning and development areas for leaders, teachers and staff given identified root causes that align with CRSE, Ruler and district disciplinary practices. 

By October 2023 

The team will meet monthly to assess progress and develop action steps.  


By October 2023, an academic outcome subcommittee for each level composed of members from the different schools will be created to analyze and review academic practices for both elementary and secondary students to structure the professional learning.  



Staff, District administration, CRSE team leaders 

Review current curriculum needs, sources, materials, access, delivery of instruction across schools. Assess continuity and cultural responsiveness. 


Identify professional learning and development areas for leaders, teachers and staff given identified root causes that align with CRSE, RULER, and district curriculum plans. 

By October 2023 

The team will meet monthly to assess progress and develop action steps.  

By December 2023, the disciplinary Professional Learning committee will develop a blueprint to create PD practices that align with culturally responsive practices.  


Installation/Initial Implementation 

Staff, District administration, CRSE team leaders 

Review moral imperative and how it relates to disciplinary action throughout each school building. 


Teams will review building level data previous years to assess areas that require intervention or revision. 


Level subcommittees will draft revisions to current practices and consult with building level teams for feedback and consensus.  

December 2023 

The team will meet bi-weekly to assess progress and develop action steps.  

By December 2023, the academic outcome Professional Learning committee will develop a blueprint to create PD practices that align with culturally responsive practices.  


Installation/Initial Implementation 

Staff, District administration, CRSE team leaders. 

Review moral imperative and how it relates to academic outcome goals throughout each school building. 


Teams will review building level data over previous years to assess areas that require additional support. 


Level subcommittees will draft revisions to current practices and consult with building level teams for feedback and consensus.  

December 2023 

The team will meet bi-weekly to assess progress and develop action steps.  

By May 2024, the building level teams will present and articulate the PD blueprint of both disciplinary practices and academic outcomes to staff. 

Installation/Initial Implementation 

Building Level Team and building staff, CRSE members 

Professional learning will be delivered in a faculty/staff meeting and broken out across smaller groups led by committee. 

May 2024 

The team will meet to assess feedback, progress and develop next steps., including professional learning that has taken place 

By June 2024, 100% of teachers and staff are familiar with the district’s moral imperative, disproportionality data, and important terminology in regards to disciplinary actions and academic outcomes/access and its impact on marginalized students. 

Initial Implementation 


Building level team and building staff, CRSE teams 


Periodic check-ins with staff to assess understanding of the district’s moral imperative, disproportionality, and important terminology in regards to disciplinary actions and academic outcomes. Identify opportunities for additional support. 

June 2024 

The team will meet to assess feedback, progress and develop next steps including assessing: 1) Feedback on administrative observations (elementary); 2) Grade level/Department meeting discussions; and 3) Faculty Meetings 


Focus Area: Family and Community Engagement 

Overall Outcome Goal Year 2: By June 2024, data obtained will be used to develop effective systems to communicate with stakeholders.

Usable Practice: Identify, develop and implement a sustainable system for family and community engagement that ensures representation of racially, culturally and linguistically marginalized families in order to build effective ongoing communication between community members and the school district staff.


Implementation Phase 

Implementation Team 

Implementation Strategies (Drivers) 

Start Date 


End Date 

Improvement Cycle (PDSA) (Monitoring timeline) 

By July 2023, establish the Family and Community Engagement sub-committee. 




4 FCT subcommittees by level/area 

Identify and recruit potential FCT subcommittee members across social identity differences and school levels. 


Identify vision, goals, and roles for FCT subcommittee members. 


Create subcommittees for elementary, middle, high school and district levels to analyze best communication practices. 

Identify gaps and best practices. 

July 2023 


September 2023– October 2023 

FCT implementation team will meet every 6 months to track and assess progress. 

By January 2024, develop a communication framework that is culturally responsive and addresses language access for ELL families*. 


FCT Sub-committee 


Propose recommendations for revised communication framework. 


Allocate resources and develop practices where each school/district activity/meeting includes language access for non- English speaking families. 


Share communication success with other district subcommittees for further implementation. 

November 2023- January 2024 

FCT implementation team will meet every 6 months to track and assess progress. 

By May 2024, the FCT sub-committee will share and message the Communication Framework. 

Initial Implementation  

FCT Sub-committee 

Present the new framework to the community. 


Publish new communication formats. 


 Spring 2024 


FCT Sub-committee will review by December 2023.