PEP - Port Enrichment Program » Program Overview

Program Overview

Whole Class Enrichment (Grades K - 5)
The PEP Teachers work with all classes for two or more 6-session units throughout the year.  The units of study, which are facilitated by the PEP teacher, go beyond the normal curriculum providing challenging materials and ideas that further enrich students' academic experience.  Past elementary units have included Fibonacci numbers, Computer Coding, Visual and Spatial Thinking and Aeronautical Engineering, to name a few.  
Core Group (Grades 4 and 5)
The Core Group component of the PEP program offers instruction to qualifying 4th and 5th grade students. These students are identified using standardized test scores, PEP student evaluation scales, and individualized I.Q. testing. Core Group students meet with the PEP teacher, in a pull-out format, for a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes per week. Please view the criteria page for information about qualifying for the Core Group.
Core Group (Grade 6 only)  
The PEP Core curriculum at Weber Middle School for grade 6 is designed to meet the academic needs of the gifted population in Port Washington. Course work is based on New York State Standards as well as the diverse interests of the students. Students participate in collaborative problem solving, philosophy, debate and mock trial units.
Lunchtime Enrichment (Grades 6-8)
PEP Lunchtime Enrichment workshops offer the entire population of Weber Middle School, grades 6-8, the opportunity to participate in mind-stretching activities during the school day.  Lunchtime Enrichment is designed to enrich children's educational experience by delving into topics that are outside of the standard curriculum. Please visit the Carrie Palmer Website for more details on Lunchtime Enrichment (LTE)
Math Olympiad (Grades 6-8)
All sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students have the opportunity to participate in the Math Olympiad which is a worldwide mathematics competition. Students are challenged with non-routine, multi-step mathematical problems. Five monthly Olympiads are administered (November-March) during Lunchtime Enrichment.