Message from the Superintendent

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Dear Port Washington Families,


The news and images out of Israel these past few days have been a major source of discussion amongst our faculty, staff, and administration. We know that many of our families are personally affected by these events and that our students may see the graphic and violent images unfold on television and social media. This news coverage is likely to continue throughout the coming weeks.


Psychologists have warned that seeing such violence could lead to emotional and psychological trauma in children. Parents are urged to closely monitor and even restrict children's access to social media platforms such as Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter (X), and Discord, due to reports that violent videos are expected to be released involving hostages and victims. These images can be traumatic to anyone who views them, especially youth. I encourage parents to speak with their children regarding social media usage. You may also consider updating parental controls on your children's devices.

Please know that our counselors and mental health teams are available for all students who may need support during this incredibly challenging time. Please feel free to reach out to a member of your school’s mental health team directly.


As a school community, we are here for the wellness of all our students and will be there for them in any way that they need. The following resources from the American Psychological Association can be of help as you process these events with your children:


For Elementary School Students
Resilience in a time of war: Tips for parents and teachers of elementary school children: This article from the American Psychological Association can help adults guide their young children beyond fear and to resilience.

For Middle School Students
Resilience in a time of war: Tips for parents and teachers of middle school children: The American Psychological Association provides tips and strategies for parents and teachers of middle school-aged children.

For High School Students
Resilience in a time of war: Tips for parents and teachers of teens: The American Psychological Association provides tips and strategies for parents and teachers of teens.



Michael J. Hynes, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools